Bursary Awards Presented at BCIT Marine Campus

Captains, Stan Bowles, Ed Monteiro and Richard Smith were all on hand at an awards ceremenoy held at the BCIT Marine Campus in North Vancouver to make presentations to cadets on behalf of the NPESC. The awards and cheques were presented as follows: –

NPESC Fall Bursary Awards 2024

Nautical Sciences Cadet Harmanpreet Sandhu

Captain Stan Bowles presents Harmanpreet with her award

Nautical Sciences Cadet Michaela Berger

Captain Stan Bowles presents Michaela with her award

BCIT/NPESC First Year Achievement Awards 2024

Nautical Sciences Cadet Jackson Marriott

Captain Ed. Monteiro presents Jackson with his award

Engineeriing Cadet Logan Murray

Captain Richard Smith presents Logan with his award

NPESC Book Awards 2024

Nautical Sciences Cadet Benjamin Hone

Captain Stan Bowles presents Benjamin with his award

Engineering Cadet Logan Murray

Captain Richard Smith presents Logan with his award

All succesful cadets with NPESC Captains, Bowles, Monteiro and Smith

Bursary winner – Living the dream

Fall 2022 Bursary Award recipient Deanna Kent receives her certificate from instructor Al de Konick of Western Maritime Institute. Deana has completed her Initial Service Entry Training (ISET) with The Canadian Coast Guard and having joined a ship she is now living her dream. The NPESC is thrilled to hear good news stories like this from successful recipients of our bursaries and we wish Deanna nothing but the best in her blossoming sea-going career.

Bursary winner returns from sea and accepts award.

2nd year BCIT Engineering Cadet Karn Chema has just returned from sea time with Algoma and was able to collect his certificate for being one of our successful Fall bursary recipients. Presenting the award to Karn is NPESC secretary/treasurer Captain Joachim Ruether. The presentation was made at the Sailors’ Point memorial adjacent to the BCIT Marine Campus in North Vancouver.

Engineering Cadet Karn Chema accepts his award from Capt. Ruether

Awards made at WMI

On Friday January 25th Captain Stan Bowles and Captain Joachim Ruether attended at Western Maritime Institute in Ladysmith on Vancouver Island and were pleased to be able to present a bursary award to Ryan Karakai and book awards to Aaron Farr and Cody Sutherland.

Captains Bowles and Ruether also took the opportunity to speak to the assembled students and instructors and encouraged them all to keep an eye out for next year’s bursary award notifications and advertisements.

Book award made to Aaron Farr

Book award made to Cody Sutherland

Bursary award is made to Ryan Karakai

2015 First Year Achievement Bursary Awarded

BCIT Marine Engineering Cadet Andrew Lehman was the recipient of the First Year Achievement bursary for 2015 and was presented with his award at a ceremony held at the North Vancouver Marine Campus of BCIT on Monday afternoon.

2015 First Year Achievement Award winner, Cadet Andrew Lehman
2015 First Year Achievement Award winner, Cadet Andrew Lehman

An endowment was established in 1999 with matching funds from the Government of British Columbia.  The annual interest is awarded to a student in the Marine Engineering or Nautical Sciences programs of BCIT.

The program instructors at the Marine Campus select the recipient of this award based upon the student’s performance after the first year of the course.

The award alternates between the Nautical Science and the Marine Engineering students.  In “even numbered” years a Nautical Science student is eligible. A Marine Engineering student is eligible in “odd numbered” years.

The endowment with the BCIT Foundation generates insufficient income at this time to provide an award worth $1,000.  So, the Society issues its own cheque to cover the balance.

2016 Bursary Applications

Applications for our 2016 bursary awards are now being accepted.

This year there will be a total of 5 bursaries, each worth C$1,000, awarded to applicants enrolled in Nautical Science or Marine Engineering courses of a minimum length of 250 hours at a training institution approved by Transport Canada and registered with the British Columbia government.

Four of these bursaries are made possible by a generous contribution from the BC Supercargoes Association

Copies of the Application Form and the Budget Worksheet can be found here:

NPESC Bursary Application Form

NPESC 2016 Bursary Budget Worksheet

For those of you that would prefer to complete your application on line you can fill in your application electronically by clicking here and upload the required documentation

The successful candidates are required to write to the Trustees after one year, to inform them of their progress and how the award was used.  Such letters may be used in the Society’s newsletter or website.

If you require further information, kindly contact our secretary/treasurer directly by email at ruether@shaw.ca or by mail at 3648 Glenview Crescent, North Vancouver, BC V7R 3E8

Please note that the deadline for applications is: October 14th 2016