Why not join us and help to further the professional education of Canadian mariners? Your membership fees are completely tax deductible and will help us to provide much needed funds for Canadian mariners who are looking to advance their education in recognised courses at Transport Canada approved facilities. There are a number of ways in which you can help us achieve our goal but membership in NPESC not only helps to provide funds for our bursaries but also indicates a willingness to help us in the running of our Society and enable you or your group to take part in events such as award ceremonies, have your name included in advertising materials and to receive emailed copies of our quarterly publication “Seatimes”.
Individual Membership – (annually) C$40.00
Individual Life Members – (one-time fee) C$500.00
Affiliated organizations (one-time fee) – (including one director) C$750.00
Corporate Members (annually) – C$1,000.00 or more
Sponsors of the Society (Visionary/Supporter/Friend) C$2,000/C$3,000/C$4,000
If you are interested please complete an application form by clicking here, print out the form and mail the completed form along with your cheque to the following address:
NPESC – Captain Joachim Ruether, 3648 Glenview Crescent, North Vancouver, BC, V7R 3E8
You may also submit your membership fees by e-transfer directly to our RBC bank account using the following email address: treasurer@npesc.ca
If you have any further questions about membership please don’t hesitate to contact us using our contact form. (click on the hyperlink to complete)