1. The name of the Society is the “Nautical Professional Education Society of Canada”, hereinafter known as “the Society”.
2. The purposes of the Society are:
(a) to encourage, support and promote the education and training of students enrolled in Nautical Science or Marine Engineering courses approved by Transport Canada and registered with a Provincial Government;
- through courses at recognised nautical institutions;
- through structured on-the-job sea-training programs to recognized international standards to qualify for higher marine certificates of competency;
- by supplementing the salary of deck or engine room trainees during their initial employment at sea.
- by providing scholarships or bursaries to students in nautical education or training programs to qualify for higher certificates of competency;
- by providing scholarships or bursaries to Deck or Marine Engineering students, on an individual basis of circumstance and merit, in programs to qualify for higher certificates of competency;
(b) In the furtherance of the above to:
- solicit, accept, and receive funds, grants, contributions, gifts, donations and bequests in support of the work of the Society;
- to hold, act as trustee for, administer and use such funds grants, contributions, gifts, donations and bequests and any income therefrom for the use of the Society and, subject to any directions given by the grantors or donors, with the power to invest and re-invest in government bonds, debentures, common or preferred shares of any company incorporated under the laws of Canada or any province of Canada and as permitted by the laws of Canada;
- to make grants to organisations or institutions that are registered charities or qualified donees dedicated to providing nautical education and training and professional development for Deck and Marine Engineering students for acquisition of training aids and equipment or in furtherance of approved programs courses or studies:
- enter into affiliation with the Nautical Institute and such other professional organisations as have purposes commensurate with those of the Society and which wish to affiliate in furtherance of the purposes of the Society;
- to undertake such ancillary and incidental activities as may, from time to time, be appropriate in the furtherance of the activities of the Society.
3. In the event of the dissolution of the Society, all assets remaining after payment of all debts and liabilities shall be distributed to such organisations or institutions having similar purposes to the Society or to such charitable, cultural or educational institutions connected with nautical personnel or nautical matters as may be determined by resolution at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the members. This provision is unalterable.
4. The purposes of the Society shall be carried out without purpose of gain for its members, and profits or other accretions to the Society shall be used for promoting its purposes. This provision is unalterable.
5. Distribution of assets of the Society under Clause 3 on the dissolution of the Society shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act (Canada) as then in effect and governing such distribution.
Dated: January, 1995