
The Nautical InstituteOur aim is to promote professionalism, best practice and safety throughout the maritime industry and to represent the interests of our members. 
Imagine MarineThrough its Imagine Marine campaign, the CMCF (Canadian Marine Careers Foundation) is reaching out to deliver the message of job opportunities in the marine sector for young people, second career seekers, new citizens and equity-deserving groups.
Master Mariners of CanadaEngaging members and maritime community to continuously improve our knowledge and expertise as maritime professionals while mentoring promising mariners as well all advocating for marine safety and cooperation
Candian Institute for Marine EngineeringHelping to foster the next generation of marine engineers by offering greatly reduced student membership rates as well as scholarships and awards provided through the various educational institutions.
International Sailors’ Society of CanadaThe ISSC is committed to the welfare of Seafarers and Seafarer Centres across Canada